Chadron State College is embracing the opportunity to evaluate its history as an educational leader and envision its future by creating its 2025-30 Strategic Plan. The former strategic plan, the Master Academic Plan, has concluded. It is time to begin looking in earnest at the development of a new strategic plan to guide the next iteration of success in fulfilling our mission and vision over the next five years. It is the hope of the steering committee that the collaborative work of the college will culminate in a new strategic plan.

Updates to the strategic plan process as different deliverables are generated from the steering committee meetings and constituent meetings will be stored on this page.

Steering Committee

Dr. Janet Anthony, School of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences
Mr. Julian Berrian, School of Liberal Arts
Mr. Daniel Binkard, College Relations
Mr. Jason Blanford, Maintenance and Facilities
Ms. Jennifer Brown, Chadron Community Hospital
Ms. Joby Collins, Information Technology Services
Ms. Tena Cook, College Relations
Ms. Deb Cottier, Northwest Nebraska Development Corporation
Ms. Paula DeMars, Library
Ms. Katie Digmann, CS Alumni and Foundation
Ms. Lona Downs, Child Development Center Laboratory
Dr. Gary Dusek, School of Business, Mathematics, and Science
Dr. Nicholas Fisher, School of Business, Mathematics, and Science
Ms. Sabrina Fox, Enrollment Management
Mr. Tyjean Green, Student
Dr. Joyce Hardy, School of Business, Mathematics, and Science
Dr. Brittany Helmbrecht, School of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences
Mr. Alex Helmbrecht, College Relations
Ms. Kimberly Hernandez, Human Resources
Mr. Mark Hunt, Student Affairs
Mr. Calvin Nixon II, Enrollment Management
Mr. Joe Johndreau, Chadron City Council
Ms. Kayla Junge, Information Technology Services
Ms. Kylie Kempf, Graduate Student
Dr. Pil Joon Kim, School of Business, Mathematics, and Science
Dr. Rick Koza, CS Foundation
Ms. Malinda Linegar, Institutional Research
Dr. Jim Margetts, School of Liberal Arts
Ms. Chantel Merchan, Academic Affairs
Ms. Tori Meschke, Student Affairs
Mr. Scott Nielsen, CS Foundation and Alumni
Mr. Taylor Osmotherly, Student Affairs
Dr. Ron Patterson, Chair
Dr. Gabriella Pruitt-Santos, School of Liberal Arts
Ms. Aubree Quast, Student Senate
Mr. Cooper Reichman, Former Student Trustee
Ms. Kerri Rempp, Discover Northwest Nebraska
Dr. Katie Rust, School of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences
Ms. Tiffany Smith, CSC Foundation/Alumni
Mr. Ted Tewahade, Athletics
Ms. Whitney Tewahade, Chadron Public Schools
Ms. Chelsea Turner, Student Affairs
Mr. Ben Watson, CS Foundation
Ms. LuAnn Werdel, Tribal Community

View information about Chadron State 2030, CSC's previous strategic plan.